Del Monte Pacific is committed to the growth of its people as it grows its portfolio of brands and businesses across several countries. We believe that business excellence flourishes if employees are engaged, enabled and empowered. We constantly aim to provide each individual with every opportunity to contribute at their full potential, while providing opportunities for effective work-life balance.
Del Monte runners push themselves to finish well
People are motivated to succeed when everyone strives for excellence. Our support of an employee’s work-life balance enables our people to enjoy working and doing their best. Employees are given sufficient resources to help them do their job, ample space to work and think, and adequate support to keep them growing in their field.
Employees are encouraged to participate in Company-sponsored programmes that will sharpen their ability to deliver value, ensure personal growth and drive success for themselves and the Company.
Team building activity
Our employees are definitely our greatest asset! As work is a means to uplift life, employees are encouraged to participate in team building workshops, sports tournaments, educational programmes and community outreach platforms to feed the mind, body and soul.
We recognise that togetherness is an important ingredient to family life. In the Philippines, we have implemented the “Family #Wednesdates” wherein employees are encouraged to go home early on Wednesdays to spend time with their families. Family bonding is further boosted as we make them part of company sponsored activities like the family summer outing, Halloween day and Del Monte Day amongst others. The family is an integral part of our work environment!
We are committed to promoting and preserving a workplace environment that values diversity — one in which individual differences are acknowledged, valued and leveraged.
Our philosophy holds to the belief that respecting unique differences in the workplace is a means of encouraging personal growth and valuing individual contributions, while celebrating the individual and team.
Contadina (only accessible in the Philippines)
Del Monte Careersc/o 17 Bukit Pasoh Road Singapore 089831 Tel: (65) 6324 6822 Fax: (65) 6221 9477